If you haven't purchased this book yet, please do. Gift others with it as well. This book is so worthy of your investment. Don't borrow it. BUY IT.
This is my Amazon review for Debbie Jacob's
WISHING FOR WINGS published by Ian Randle Publishers in Jamaica:
This review is from: Wishing for Wings (Kindle Edition)
I am reluctant to write anything about Wishing,simply because I am stunned and humbly in awe of the work. If I could wish something for the author and her young charges, I would wish for this to be a bestseller at home in the Caribbean, and especially in Trinidad and Tobago. On completing it, I am at once silenced and full. It is not without flaws. Yet is is emotionally flawless. (e.g. I wished the chapter "Decisions" was an introduction that assured me before diving in. I did worry protectively about the boys privacy as I read. It proved distracting for me, as I consider myself a sensitive reader. The relief on reading Decisions where it is now placed, did not feel like a literary device that should not be tampered with. It would better serve as a preface. Other than that, some minor proof reading support, and more care around poetic moments with potential resonance that felt cut-short or 'rushed' ; small tweaks that could have been helped by a good editor/ reader prior to publishing.) I am deeply grateful and respectful specifically that Jacob addresses the use of religion as a way of 'white washing' in our local culture especially in this reform context. What a relief that this may be voiced from a place of such authority and to witness the direct experience in the young men's responses once they were granted this clearance. Surely this should provide evidence enough that she is right on target with this observation.
In trusting the absolute benevolence of each
prisoner-student, the worthy potential of each
failedboy-man, Jacob expresses more faith
with "Wishing…" than any religious tome.
Kudos must go to Ian Randle as well -
this is exactly the kind of honest, practical
and immediate response our regional
publishers need to have when they encounter
such a work and an opportunity as this.
Listen, this work is so insightful it is heroic.
Jacob facilitates pure genius, unearthing
gold from within hearts and minds that
society must by necessity, exclude for a time,
but where most would never deem to look.
That such potential would otherwise just be
dashed, save for this kind of work, is
profoundly worth our anger and our grief .
Jacob reveals all this without lectures, guilt-
tripping or moralising, on either side of the
prison fence; the true purpose of literatureis fulfilled.
"Tear a page" , then turn a page.
The genius expressed by the prisoners
is at times tender, classical, even.
It is never cushioned in the trappings
of the young men's masks i.e.
rap culture and
bad-boy gang image.
Wishing for Wings is a phenomenal break
through in consciousness, way beyond the mere
technical act of "writing" - for Jacob and her
young writers and for their readers as well.
Thank you for your brave work Debbie Jacob -
not only in documenting and publishing it,
but in the week to week journey you made
within yourself and alongside
those so easily cast aside.
My prayers of gratitude and respect
to the brave soldiers of YTC too.
My hope for our nation soared as I read.
Each page turn revealed a nugget, more
and more worthy of another turn of
the page.
I couldn't help but pause to marvel,
to allow a tear free reign for the
This read just kept on giving and giving and did not let up! If I had my way, I would make it mandatory reading for every adult, leader, steady-incomes, merchant class, professional, teacher individual who calls themselves "Trini", who laments this or that here, who shakes a cocktail after work to pontificate with opinions of 'fixing' this or that 'other'…'or them', 'over there'. We must call on each other and make this book a true, one-buy-one purchase, national/ regional best seller. P.S. Jacob's is one qualified Trini- voice I would like to hear advise our nation's leaders on what can be done to help "the youth today". |