Writer-in-Residence in Grenada 2014
This just came in via Lisa Allen Agostini's FB page - thanks to her for posting it:
This just came in via Lisa Allen Agostini's FB page - thanks to her for posting it:
Writer-in-Residence programme in Grenada, Spring 2014
This is the official info. I don't have additional info so please contact them rather than me for anything more. DO FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS AROUND!
The Dame Hilda BynoeWriter-in–Residence Programme 2014 at St. George’s University
St. George’sUniversity, Grenada, has established a writer-in-residence programme intendedto support a Caribbean writer in completing a work-in-progress, and to expose boththe SGU academic community, and the Grenadian community to the contemporaryCaribbean literary scene. This fifteen-weeks long programme will run for thefirst time in Spring 2014.
Start Date: January26, 2014
End date: May 10, 2014
As part of theprogramme, the writer-in-residence will be required to provide six weeks* ofthe following service to St. George’s University:
*The six weeks may bebroken up into two three-weeks blocks, with approval of the SGU Writer-inResidence Programme Coordinator.
Accommodation, Mealsand Travel
Thewriter-in-residence will be housed at the University Club and meals there willbe provided at the expense of SGU. The writer will be responsible for all otherexpenses including travel to and from Grenada and within. No stipend will be provided.
To be eligible toapply for this residency, a writer must:
a. beof Caribbean birth or citizenship, regardless of place of current residence,
b. be writing in English;
c. beover the age of 18 on the application deadline;
d. havea track record of publishing literary writing in any genre in either books,journals, or magazines, or, in the case of playwrights, a track record ofhaving dramatic works produced or staged for public audience.
NB: this residency isopen both to emerging and established writers.
Application guidelines
To apply for the 2014SGU writer’s residency, please submit:
1. acompleted entry form;
2. anexcerpt from a current work in progress which the residency would allow thewriter to advance. This should be between 3,500 and 5,000 words in length;
3. asynopsis of the work in progress . This should be no longer than 300 words;
4. abrief statement (no longer than 150 words) explaining how the writer feels theresidency will benefit the work in progress and how s/he can contribute to theSGU community
5. aCV detailing the writer’s publication history if any (including pieces inmagazines or online), and experience leading or participating in other residenciesand writing workshops or classes.
All submissionsshould be typed and double-spaced and mustbe sent by email. Please send all materials related to submission asattachments to a single email addressed towir@cariblit.org
Deadline for applications: November 6, 2013.
Submissions will bereviewed by a panel of literary professionals and writers. Short-listedcandidates will be interviewed online.
The successful applicant will be informed by December 20,2013.
TheDame Hilda Bynoe Writer-in–Residence Program at St. George’s University
Entry form
Nameof writer:
Addressof writer:
Institutionalaffiliation (if applicable)
Countryof birth:
Countryof citizenship:
Titleof attached sample from work in progress:
Iconfirm that the above information is accurate. o
Signatureof writer:
The Dame Hilda BynoeWriter-in–Residence Programme 2014 at St. George’s University
St. George’sUniversity, Grenada, has established a writer-in-residence programme intendedto support a Caribbean writer in completing a work-in-progress, and to expose boththe SGU academic community, and the Grenadian community to the contemporaryCaribbean literary scene. This fifteen-weeks long programme will run for thefirst time in Spring 2014.
Start Date: January26, 2014
End date: May 10, 2014
As part of theprogramme, the writer-in-residence will be required to provide six weeks* ofthe following service to St. George’s University:
- Give two readings at SGU, local schools, libraries, writers' organizations, and other institutions. [They may read from their work in progress, and field questions on the writing process, inspiration behind the work, etc.] These readings will be recorded for the SGU radio station and for GIS.
- Offer workshops in creative writing at SGU, secondary schools and TAMCC.
- Keep office hours two half-days a week for consultation with members of the SGU and Grenadian community. Such consultations with aspiring and established writers, while they detail ways in which submitted writing may be improved, may also include advice on getting it published.
*The six weeks may bebroken up into two three-weeks blocks, with approval of the SGU Writer-inResidence Programme Coordinator.
Accommodation, Mealsand Travel
Thewriter-in-residence will be housed at the University Club and meals there willbe provided at the expense of SGU. The writer will be responsible for all otherexpenses including travel to and from Grenada and within. No stipend will be provided.
To be eligible toapply for this residency, a writer must:
a. beof Caribbean birth or citizenship, regardless of place of current residence,
b. be writing in English;
c. beover the age of 18 on the application deadline;
d. havea track record of publishing literary writing in any genre in either books,journals, or magazines, or, in the case of playwrights, a track record ofhaving dramatic works produced or staged for public audience.
NB: this residency isopen both to emerging and established writers.
Application guidelines
To apply for the 2014SGU writer’s residency, please submit:
1. acompleted entry form;
2. anexcerpt from a current work in progress which the residency would allow thewriter to advance. This should be between 3,500 and 5,000 words in length;
3. asynopsis of the work in progress . This should be no longer than 300 words;
4. abrief statement (no longer than 150 words) explaining how the writer feels theresidency will benefit the work in progress and how s/he can contribute to theSGU community
5. aCV detailing the writer’s publication history if any (including pieces inmagazines or online), and experience leading or participating in other residenciesand writing workshops or classes.
All submissionsshould be typed and double-spaced and mustbe sent by email. Please send all materials related to submission asattachments to a single email addressed towir@cariblit.org
Deadline for applications: November 6, 2013.
Submissions will bereviewed by a panel of literary professionals and writers. Short-listedcandidates will be interviewed online.
The successful applicant will be informed by December 20,2013.
TheDame Hilda Bynoe Writer-in–Residence Program at St. George’s University
Entry form
Nameof writer:
Addressof writer:
Institutionalaffiliation (if applicable)
Countryof birth:
Countryof citizenship:
Titleof attached sample from work in progress:
Iconfirm that the above information is accurate. o
Signatureof writer: