In My Own Words...Joanne Gail Johnson
This amounts to hearsay, I know. But I will address the thought itself and will acknowledge first that the tone of the word “literature” spoken in the mouth of a Nobel Laureate dictates a very capital and intimidating “L.” Even so, I will risk a bit of adventure..."
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In My Own Words...Joanne Gail Johnson
“Nuff Respeck!”
My Caribbean Children’s Books are “Self Organized Learning Environments”
excerpt:"I heard it said that V.S. Naipaul, in a lecture at U.W.I. during his two million dollar, 2007 visit to Trinidad, responded to a question about Caribbean children’s literature by saying something to this effect: “There is no such thing. Children are in fact not capable of understanding any work which could qualify as literature.”
Read more - click link to Geoffrey's blog, JJ
I don't want to be flippant or to even think I have any expertise in Literature. I write and in a general sense it is for MY enjoyment and hopefully my style would please others and encourage them to delve into the thoughts, ideas, or even pictures I am painting with my words. I have read and heard quite a lot of the recognised authors describing and at times even condemning other peoples' works. I have also seen some of those same condemned pieces of literature become best sellers and noted works.
I believe that in writing one must have an appreciation of one's language and utilise it in a manner which comes out as a "Skill", a uniqueness which appeals to a reader.
Anyhow I have learned that many famous authors forget how they began and thrust their 'expertise' on us in a daunting manner projecting their own self aggrandizement.