In My Own Words...Joanne Gail Johnson “Nuff Respeck!” My Caribbean Children’s Books are “Self Organized Learning Environments” excerpt: "I heard it said that V.S. Naipaul, in a lecture at U.W.I. during his two million dollar, 2007 visit to Trinidad, responded to a question about Caribbean children’s literature by saying something to this effect: “There is no such thing. Children are in fact not capable of understanding any work which could qualify as literature.” This amounts to hearsay, I know. But I will address the thought itself and will acknowledge first that the tone of the word “literature” spoken in the mouth of a Nobel Laureate dictates a very capital and intimidating “L.” Even so, I will risk a bit of adventure..." Read more - click link to Geoffrey's blog, JJ
Series Editor Island Fiction/ Published children's book author Macmillan-Caribbean, Teaching Librarian - Creativity & The Primary School Teacher