The more I thought about it, the opportunity to create a series for young teens, was potentially something well beyond any one storyline that a single author could conceive. My personal goals have always included contributing to creative community, and I couldn't approach this opportunity any differently. In his brilliant essay "What the Twilight Says", (1998 Farrar, Straus and Giroux), Derek Walcott expresses something that feels akin to my own creative soul movement: We knew the literature of empires…(omission is mine); and both the patois of the street and the language of the classroom hid the elation of discovery. If there was nothing, there was everything to be made. With this prodigious ambition one began. In the early 90s, after a 2-year apprenticeship to the late media icon Dale Kolasingh, I conceived and helped pilot the first sports and leisure television magazine, Caribbean Sports Digest, with one of our living legends in sports media, Tony Harford. By ...