Literary Conversations Worth Having (click link for entire article: Broader, Better Literary Conversations, Roxanne Gay , Sep. 2013 ) "This wasn't a highly scientific work - with the help of two graduate assistants, Gretchen Schaible and Doug Urbacnski, we simply found all the 2013 reviews we could for several publications and looked at the race/ ethnicity of the writers whose books were covered. The approach, however inelegant, does begin to tell a familiar story. Below is a rough look at what I found; it was too dispiriting to spend time on pie charts stating the obvious." (I've just adapated her chart to fit here, with the hope of readers seeing the value of the article and reading for themselves. Join in the conversation.) Selection of Reviews African Vs Caucasian Others Bookforum 126 4 vs 115 3 4 Los Angeles Review of Books 483 13 vs 420 24 26 NPR 186 2 vs 165 9 10 New York Review ...
Series Editor Island Fiction/ Published children's book author Macmillan-Caribbean, Teaching Librarian - Creativity & The Primary School Teacher