Authors At Work: On Getting Published Just having past and existing samples of traditionally published/ self published/ locally published work is a good way to approach a new company if you are interested in getting "work for hire" gigs or an in-house/ freelance job. H aving a new work to shop is how you get published. Work on a great query letter and make sure you have a new unpublished work that may be of interest before you submit. In other words publishers/ agents/ editors are AT WORK. A submission package is not about having them "meet" you, or learn about your interests and creative passions. Professionals are always looking out for a fresh creative idea and point of view, and yours is best exhibited through a new work. PUT a viable, publishable property in their hands to earn their interest. It is vital to research what a publisher, interested in your genre, is look for in submissions, and in what format they wa...
Series Editor Island Fiction/ Published children's book author Macmillan-Caribbean, Teaching Librarian - Creativity & The Primary School Teacher